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Writer's picturePolk County Housing Trust Fund

Iowa State University initiates statewide project to map zoning codes

Local zoning and land use policies play a major role in determining what housing can be built in our communities and where. Because these policies are so influential, Here We Grow has previously issued Zone Home: A Zoning and Land Use Call to Action to inspire local action to examine these policies and their consequences for housing production closely.

That's why we're so excited that Iowa State University has initiated a major new study to create the Iowa Zoning Guide, a statewide interactive zoning map and database that will incorporate data from up to 327 Iowa cities. The project will offer researchers, local officials, and community members our clearest-ever picture of local land use policies. The initiative's team explains their purpose is not to promote any specific zoning policy or reform but as a publicly available platform for further conversations locally.

The goal is to produce a product similar to another research team in New Hampshire with the project completed in October 2025.


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